
In Chuvashia criminal cases opened against head of republican public institution of consumers

Chuvashia investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have opened criminal cases against the president of the Republican Public Institution of Consumers. She is suspected of 10 crimes under part 3 of article 159 of the RF Penal Code (fraud committed using an official position) and 16 crimes under part 3 of article 204 (illegal receipt of money for omission in the interest of the bribe giver by a person carrying out managerial functions in an organization).

According to investigators, in August 2013, in November and December 2014, in January and March 2015, in the town of Cheboksary the suspect illegally received over 160 thousand rubles from owners, directors and staff of 26 food shops located in cheboksary, Novocheboksarsk and Kozlovka, in Kanash, Urmary and Cheboksary districts, where the officials of the public organization she was the head of had revealed a number of trade violations. To reach her criminal objectives she deceived the victims telling that the money they paid as fines for the revealed violations had to be given to her or for the illegal reward promised not to transfer the information on the violations to the corresponding authorities or local governments although she was obliged to do that. The suspect’s wrongdoings were stopped after the victims started applying to the police.

At present all the criminal cases are joined in a single proceeding. Investigative operations are underway to find out all the circumstances of the crime. The investigation is ongoing.