
In Yekaterinburg teachers and swimming pool staff questioned under investigation in incident that happened with child in water park

Sverdlovsk Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continue investigating a criminal case in a crime under paragraph “c” of part 2 of article 238 of the RF Penal Code following an incident that happened to a boy in the water part located in Shcherbakov street in the city of Yekaterinburg.

According to investigators, based on the protocol of an assembly of parents of students of one of local schools it had been decided to visit the water park and this way to mark the end of the school year. In the morning of 28 May 2015, a group of children from 2-4 grades accompanied by parents and teachers from each of the classes came in the water park where the children enjoyed themselves in “artificial wave” attraction. They were swimming in a pool with an inclination (the pool was up to 160 cm deep).

For an unknown reason one of the school children – a 3rd grader aged 10 was in the swimming pool without a life jacket. He choked and submerged under the water for some time. The instructor saw it and pulled the boy from the pool. Together with a medic they administered first medical aid. Later the boy was taken to a hospital. He was diagnosed with drowning and is now in intensive care in a stable but grave condition. The boy is connected to an artificial lung and is in artificial coma.

By the present moment the investigators have examined the scene, questioned the teachers and parents who accompanied the children in the water park, including the victim’s parents, rescuers and medics. The investigators have requested for the safety documents and documents from the school. The investigators are identifying the officials responsible for safety of children in the water park to give their actions (or omission) an impartial legal qualification. The investigation is ongoing.