
Second doctor who made child invalid by providing sub-quality medical aid to stand trial in Novgorod Region

The Novgorod Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigating a criminal case against a former doctor who was the head of anesthesiology and resuscitation department of Novgorod Region Clinical Hospital Alexey Tonshin. He is charged with a crime under part 2 of article 118 of the RF Penal Code (infliction of grievous bodily harm by negligence due to improper discharge of professional duties).

According to investigators, in December 2012, Novgorod Regional Clinical Hospital accepted an 8-year-old boy diagnosed with osteomyelitis of lower jaw at 6th tooth, adenophlegmon of submaxillary space on the right side. Earlier the boy had had his tooth pulled out at children’s dental clinic and was accepted to Novgorod Regional Clinical Hospital for drainage of suppurative focus. However the duty surgeon of the hospital made a different diagnosis and prescribed conservative treatment. Later the boy got worse, doctors tried to perform an emergency operation during which the boy’s heart stopped causing organic brain lesion.

Earlier the investigation against the accused was suspended because he could not take part in investigative operation as he was in an Antarctic expedition at the time. Following the order of senior officials of the Novgorod Region Investigations Directorate the accused was immediately returned from the expedition.

At present a court is trying a case against an anesthesiologist and resuscitation specialist of the same hospital Yuri Nikitin charged with the same crime as Tonshin and Yuri Nikitin carried out the operation together.

The investigation is under special control of the Investigative Committee Chairman. Besides, not only the investigation was supervised, but also proper medical aid to the boy, provision with all necessary medications and social aid. The Arkhipovs were provided with a flat. The repairs in the flat, which were also supervised by the senior officials of the investigations directorate, have been finished.

The investigators have enough evidence so the criminal case with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tried on the merits.