
Former chairman of Murmanks Region Duma found guilty of stealing and misappropriation

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the Murmansk Region authorities of the Investigative Committee sufficient to convict former Chairman of the Murmansk Region Duma Vasily Shambir. He was found guilty of crimes under Part 4 of Article 160 of the RF Penal Code (Misappropriation of money on a very large scale) and Part 1 of Article 201 (Abuse of authority by a person discharging managerial functions in a profit-making organization).

The court and investigation have found that in the period between 2007 and 2009 Shambir while being a shareholder, member of the board of directors and the CEO of OAO Kandalaksha Pilot Engineering Plant, stole money entrusted to him and belonging to the Plant. To realize his criminal intention Shambir each month under fictitious pretexts (fee, wage, vacation pay, final settlement, quarter bonuses) signed checks in the name of his authorized delegate and then ordered to withdraw money from the account of the Plant. This way Shambir got hold of over 30 million rubles.

In addition, in the period between 2007 and 2009 Shambir, in order to make profit for other persons, used his authority to dispose of the plant’s funds and conclude contracts with contractors against the plant’s interests and in the interests of other people, by which he caused the plant pecuniary damage of at least 2000 million rubles.

The investigators have run over 20 forensic inquiries, over 15 searches and confiscations of accounting and other documents and have questioned more than 150 witnesses.

The court has sentenced Shambir to 6 years to be served in a minimum-security penal colony and a fine of 800 thousand rubles. In addition, he was banned from taking any executive positions for 3 years.

Due to the statute of limitation, Shambir has been absolved from serving the sentence for the crime under Part 1 of Article 201 of the RF Penal Code (Abuse of authority by a person discharging managerial functions in a profit-making organization).