
Suspect of killing boy detained in Stavropol Territory

On the morning of 20 February, a local resident reported to the Kirovsky District police department that his 12-year-old son had left home a day before and had not come back. The Stavropol Territory Office of the Investigative Committee opened an investigation in murder under Article 105 of the RF Penal Code.

Initial investigative and search operations revealed that before going missing the boy had talked with his relative, his mother’s brother aged 24. At first, the young man said to an investigator that the boy had been with him up until the evening of 19 February, but then he had gone home and he had not seen him since. However, thanks to well-planned interrogation tactics he started being inconsistent in his testimony and eventually confessed that that day he had been drunk and he had sexually abused the boy and then strangled him. His testimony was checked on site immediately and the suspect showed the place where he had hidden the boy’s body and gave detailed account about the circumstances surrounding the crimes.

At present, the suspect is in custody and the investigators are going to ask courts to leave him there pending trial. Experienced forensic specialists and experts of the Stavropol Territory Office of the Investigative Committee have joined the investigation to collect and document the evidence. They are doing everything so that the man stands trial and answers for such a brutal and cynical crime against a defenseless child who had trusted him as his close relative and older friend.