
Congratulation of Investigative Committee Chairman on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Chairman of the RF Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin is congratulating all defenders of the Fatherland on the holiday:

“Dear veterans, friends and fellows!

Dear colleagues!

Accept most cordial congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day!

February 23rd is one of the most honored holidays in our country. In all times military service has been especially respected, while protection of freedom and independence of the homeland was, is and will be a sacred duty and honorable obligation of each Russian citizen.

Our country’s history has many formidable, truly heroic pages, military ordeals and victories. On this day we remember those who gave their lives for their Motherland and defended the right of our people for freedom, we are grateful to those who each day protect peace and quiet of our citizens.

Courage, fortitude and selflessness of Russian soldiers and officers will continue to serve as a moral benchmark for the society, to contribute to proper education of future defenders of the Fatherland.

On this day let me sincerely wish you good mood, sound health, happiness and wellbeing!

I wish peace and well to you and your loved ones!”