
Investigative Committee Chairman offers condolences over death of Russia’s ambassador to UN

Chairman of the RF Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin has offered deepest and most sincere condolences to the family, friends and colleagues over sudden death of Vitaly Churkin, the Russian ambassador to the United Nations.

“We are grieving with you!

An outstanding Russian diplomat, a man of extraordinary courage and talent, Mr. Churkin passed away while in his working role, having done his duty to his homeland till the end.

Mr. Churkin strongly and consistently defended Russia’s position in the UN on the most complicated and contested problems.

Professionally reserved and civil, deeply intelligent and humorous, for most of us he embodied the independent Russian foreign policy. A brilliant polemist, Mr. Churkin was able to stand up for himself and his country, was not afraid of difficulties and never gave up. His colleagues worldwide recognized and respected him for professionalism and the skill to advocate Russia’s positions. His life was a proper example of serving his homeland, of loyalty to his duty and profession, the way of a true man and citizen.

The memory of Mr. Churkin will always live on in our hearts. This loss is too great to be recouped, and the grief is uniting all of those who knew this outstanding man.”