
In Amur Region, operator of blow-and-blow machines of Amuragrotsentr awarded medal For Assistance by order of Investigative Committee Chairman

Operator of blow-and-blow machines of Amuragrotsentr Anton Nechai was awarded in presence of his colleagues medal of the Investigative Committee For Assistance on 22 February 2017 for considerable contribution in preventing and solving a major crime against a teenage girl and for courage and selflessness displayed.

On 10 September 2016, showing active citizenship and courage, Anton helped to prevent a major crime against a 14-year-old girl. On that day late at night he was at home in the settlement of Chigiri when he heard outside a woman screaming for help and dogs barking. Wanting to help, he got dressed, got into his car and drove around the settlement surveying the streets. Near a bus stop, he saw a girl he had not known lying on the ground near a fence and a man sitting on top of her. The girl was begging for help. Despite aggression and danger represented by the man, Anton demanded that the man let the girl go and threatened him to call the police. The man, an ex-con who had been released from prison not long before, threatened to use a gun. He put his hand under his jacket, stood up and moved towards Anton. He said that he was going to count to three and then shoot and started counting. This distracted the man and the girl was able to stand up and run home, where her parents called the ambulance and police. The girl received medical aid, as the man had stabbed her several times.

Seeing that the girl had gone, Anton got back into his car, but continued to follow the man.

Later, when the case was opened, Anton responded at once to the notice published in mass media by the investigative authority looking for a witness who had stopped the perpetrator from committing the crime. He gave a detailed account of the incident, about what the perpetrator had done and where he had gone after the girl had gone away, drew a plan of the incident scene and actively cooperated with the investigation.

The evidence collected with Anton’s help was filed with the case which is now being tried.

The investigators are sure that Anton’s deed, worthy a true man and Defender of the Fatherland, will be a model for Russian people.