
In Moscow, men involved in killing Tamara Yakzhina jailed

A court has recognized the evidence collected by the Moscow Directorate of the Investigative Committee as sufficient to convict Elman Karyakin, Irina Yeryomina, Roman Firsov and Igor Drozdov. Depending on the role of each one they were found guilty of a murder under Part 1 of Article 105, stealing a passport under Part 2 of Article 325 and attempted fraud on a very large scale under Part 3 of Article 30, Part 4 of Article 159 of the RF Penal Code.

According to investigators, on 12 March 2015, Drozdov met the victim outside and offered her a lift. On their way the two had a quarrel and the man killed the film director. Drozdov then took the body to Moscow Region and buried it. To hide the traces and to confuse the investigation, he went round Moscow and turned on Yakzhina’s phone so that it could pick up the location. After the crime, Drozdov conspired with Firsov, Karyakin and Yeryomina, who were not aware of the murder, to sell the woman’s flat. The accomplices failed to complete the crime on independent reasons. The body was found on 15 April 2015 during a search mounted by the investigators and agents of the Moscow Crime Detection Department.

A lot of forensic medial, DNA, psychological, psychiatric and other inquiries were run during the investigation and their results confirmed the crimes.

The court has sentenced Drozdov to 13 years in prison, Firsov to 3 years, Yeryomina to 2 years and Karyakin to 2 years.