
In Karelia, debt collector found guilty of arbitrariness and false terror alarm

A court has recognized the evidence collected by the Karelian Republic Office of the Investigative Committee as sufficient to convict debt collector from the city of Novosibirsk Renat Khairitdinov. He was found guilty of arbitrariness under Part 2 of Article 330 and false terror alarm under Part 1 of Article 207 of the RF Penal Code.

The court and investigators have revealed that on 21 April 2016, the accused trying to make a woman from the town of Petrozavodsk pay her debt called 38 times to the municipal day care center the woman worked at and threatened to commit a terrorist attack if the woman did not pay the debt. 262 inmates and 46 workers of the day care center were evacuated. Specialists found no explosives on the premises.

The investigators of the regional investigative authority together with operative agents of the Karelia Office of the Federal Security Service identified the accused, who had been in Novosibirsk at the moment of the crime. An investigator set off for Novosibirsk where together with operative agents of the Novosibirsk Region Office of the Federal Security Service they detained the man and delivered him to Petrozavodsk. He was remanded in custody pending trial.

The court has sentenced Khairitdinov to 10 months in a penal settlement.