
Instigator and organiser of especially grave offence committed in 2006 in Krasnodar Territory detained

The Investigative Committee of Russia continues making determined efforts to solve and investigate crimes of past years. Measures planned by investigators of the Main Directorate on Major Crimes Investigation of the Investigative Committee of Russia resulted in detention of two men - a suspected instigator and organiser of murders committed in 2006 in Krasnodar Territory. Upon request of the investigation, the court ruled to keep them in custody; charges will be pressed in the nearest future.

According to the investigation, the instigator is a divorced man that in 2006 disputed with his former wife over the ownership rights for a piece of land and structures in Dagomys settlement of Krasnodar Territory. He decided to murder his wife in order to seize the property. In order to implement this intent he involved two his acquaintances as organisers of the crime in exchange for a cash reward. In their turn, they hired Igor Tugarov as a contract killer and provided him with the cash reward, photographs of the victim and a gun. Tugarov offered his acquaintance Andrey Nikitin money for being an accomplice of the murder and for killing other people that might be present in the house.

On October 9, 2006, Nikitin, being in one of the rooms of the house in Dagomys the victim was renting out, invited the woman inside the said room under a false excuse. He knocked her down on the floor and started to strangle until he assumed she was dead and stopped. Due to this the victim managed to survive. At the same time Tugarov descended to the first floor and murdered three persons using a firearm - mother of the woman, a daughter from her first marriage and a worker - and committed a murder attempt against father of the victim.

The murderers were convicted by court in 2007. Tugarov was sentenced to life imprisonment and Nikitin to 22 years of imprisonment.

The criminal investigation into the arrested perpetrators is ongoing.


Official spokesperson for the Investigative Committee of Russia S. Petrenko