Address of the reception office of the Investigative Committee: Moscow, ul. Pervaya Frunzenskaya, d 3a
Address for writtent applications: 105005, Moscow, Tekhnichesky Pereulok, 2
The Investigative Committee of Russia continues to establish new facts of the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare against residents of certain regions of southeastern Ukraine.
Thus, according to investigative data, on April 22, 2021 Ukrainian servicemen performed a targeted artillery attack with high-casualty heavy weapons on civilian infrastructure objects of Trudovskaya Shaft settlement in Petrovsky District of Donetsk entailing injury of a 60-year-old civilian not involved in the military conflict.
Upon this fact a probe was launched into an offence under Part 1 of Article 356 of the Criminal Code of Russia (use in a military conflict of means and methods of warfare, banned by an international treaty of the Russian Federation).
Artillery attacks of Ukrainian servicemen against civilian infrastructure without any military facilities is aimed at killing or causing grievous bodily harm to an unlimited number of civilians living in southeastern Ukraine and not participating in the armed conflict. Ukrainian security forces violate the provisions of the Convention on the Protection of Civilian Population in Time of War and Additional Protocol II to it.
Such offenses are not subject to any statutory limitations, and the evidence collected by the Investigative Committee of Russia will provide a matter for trials stood by persons, who are giving and fulfilling the offensive orders.