
Criminal case opened in Khabarovsk Territory against representatives of OAO Korsakovsky Commercial Sea Port suspected of abuse of power

The investigating bodies of the Far Eastern Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have launched a criminal case against eight representatives of OAO Korsakovsky Commercial Sea Port (OJSC) suspected of a crime under part 1 of article 201 of the RF Criminal Code (abuse of powers).

According to investigators, in the period between 2010 and August 2013, the representatives of OAO Korsakovsky Commercial Sea Port led by chairman of board of directors, CEO, chief accountant, who in the same time were deputies of Korsakovo city district assembly, conspired in the town of Korsakovo, Sakhalin Region. Using their official positions, under the disguise of non-existent economic relations, they systematically transferred funds belonging to OAO Korsakovsky Commercial Sea Port and Korsakovsky Stevedore Service to the bank accounts of law firms, controlled by them. By their actions the suspects stole from the said companies over 140 million rubles.

At present investigating operations are under way to find all the circumstances of the crime. Investigation is ongoing.