
Alexander Bastrykin congratulates students of cadet classes patronized by Russia’s Investigative Committee in Stavropol on their initiation into cadets

Today Chairman of the Russia’s Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin has visited Stavropol the ceremony of initiation in cadets the students of the cadet classes patronized by the Russia’s Investigative Committee named after Lieutenant General of Justice Mikhail Georgyievhich Yadrov. The ceremony was also attended by Commander of military paratroops of the Russian Federation Vladimir Shamanov and acting Governor of Stavropol Territory Vladrimir Vladimirov.

A year ago the No 24 gymnasium in Stavropol opened the first in the North Caucasian Federal District cadet class under the patronage of the Russia’s Investigative Committee named after Lieutenant General of Justice Mikhail Georgyievhich Yadrov in commemoration of outstanding merits of the head of the international legal cooperation department of the Russia’s Investigative Committee, who made a great contribution in the development of the Committee. 20 best young people, who have successfully graduated from 9th grade and were planning to connect their future professional activity with the service in law enforcement bodies, were initiated into cadets. Over the past year they have shown their worth in both intellectual and sports areas. In order to develop the cadetship patronized by the Investigative Committee, three more cadet classes have been establish in the same school this year - on in each parallel starting with 8th grade.

60 young people accepted in new cadet classes have taken an oath today. Congratulating the cadets with this remarkable event Mr. Bastrykin noted that in future the fate of the state would be entrusted in them and they should be thoroughly prepared for this noble mission – to stand at the wheel of the state and take the whole responsibility for the fate of their homeland. Attention and respect to people, honesty and acumen in the profession, zeal and insistence are the main qualities the cadets should have. He stressed that the cadet classes they were entering provided for a creative combination of knowledge with active participation in military and patriotic events, studying the basics of specialized juridical disciplines, organization of meetings with honored officers of law-enforcement bodies of Stavropol Territory and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. In conclusion Mr. Bastrykin expressed his conviction that this school would give the world perfectly trained young people, specialists, who would carry on studying in the institutions of higher education or would serve their country in some other way.

After the ceremony Mr. Bastrykin took part in unveiling of the monument and planting the lane in the town of Mikhailovsk, Shpakovsky district dedicated to the memory of Admiral German Alexeyevich Ugryumov – Hero of the Russian Federation and a prominent figure in Russian state security bodies.

Speech of Investigative Committee Chairman Alexander Bastrykin:

On behalf of the personnel of the Russia’s Investigative Committee and from myself personally I congratulate you on INITIATION INTO CADETS!

Today is a significant and exciting day.

Joining the ranks of Russian cadets you are swearing an oath to multiply good cadet traditions, which means to be faithful to your homeland and protect it.

These qualities together with high discipline, understanding of your duty and deep comradeship are only the small part of what has been handed down from generation to generation with awe and has always saved Russia from many troubles and misfortunes.

It is no coincidence that the hymn of our gymnasium has the following words in it “At the scope of the great country, in the bright light of golden domes, Gymnasium students – sons of Russia – we are heir to the honor of our fathers!” and the cadet class was named after Lieutenant General of Justice Mikhail Georgyievhich Yadrov. He was a striking example of a person committed to his civilian duty, with whom many achievements of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in the battling against international crimes are connected.

Under his leadership the International Legal Cooperation Department of the Investigative Committee achieved a high level of interaction with law-enforcement in different countries in searching for the individuals, who had committed wrongdoings in the Russian Federation.

In the cadet class named after him you will be raised in the spirit of civicism, patriotism, deep respect to the senior people, parents and teachers.

Looking at you we can say that the State Program “Development of education” in 2013-2020, directed at all-round development of potential in young people and the idea of establishing full-fledged cadets schools is being implemented.

Today it is especially important. The greatest Russian poet Alexander Pushkin said that: “Disrespect to ancestors is the first signs of savagery and immorality”. The society which does not respect olderly people and teachers, said ancient philosopher and scientist Aristotle – is doomed. Without respect to older people there is no respect to the Law and Homeland.

It is your hands that the future fate of our state will be entrusted, and you should be thoroughly prepared for that noble mission – to stand at the wheel of the state and take the whole responsibility for the fate of your Homeland.

Over 300-year history of cadetship, initiated by peter the Great, who in 1701 established the School of Mathematics and Navigation to train artillerymen, engineers and sailors for the army and navy, our alumni were the best representatives of the nation, were honor and pride of the state, showed their worthy not only in military arts, but in culture, science and social life.

Field Marshalls Kutuzov and Rumyantsev, Generals Brusilov and Karbyshev, poets Lermontov and Tyutchev, Composers Rimsky-Korsakov and Rachmaninoff, painters Vereshchagin and Bogolyubov, writers Radishchev and Kuprin, scientists Yablochkov and Mosin – this is not the full list of cadet alumni.

Attention and respect to people, honesty and acumen in the profession, zeal and insistence are the main qualities the cadets should have.

The cadet classes you are entering provide for a creative combination of knowledge with active participation in military and patriotic events, studying the basics of specialized juridical disciplines, organization of meetings with honored officers of law-enforcement bodies of Stavropol Territory and veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Your peers must be very jealous of you as it is a great honor to get such all-round education. I am sure that this school will give the world perfectly trained young people, specialists, who would carry on studying in the institutions of higher education or will serve their country in some other way.

I do believe that you won’t let us down and real patriots will study here, in cadet classes patronized by the Russia’s Investigative Committee and at the end of the day will benefit to your Homeland!

The level of education in society is the guarantee of the country’s future development and prosperity.

Once more I congratulate you all on INITIATION INTO CADETS!

Good luck to you all!