
During investigation into rape in Perm Territory criminal case opened against director of orphanage

On 10 December 2013 one of regional media in Perm Territory posted at its website information on a number of rapes, the victims and perpetrators in which had been residents of a children’s home in Perm Territory. The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in Perm Territory have launched a criminal investigation into signs of the crime under paragraph “a” of part 3 of article 131 of the RF Penal Code (rape of underage).

On the initiative of Perm Territory Investigations Directorate the local Ministry of Social Development has set up a commission to carry out an unplanned on-site inspection at the children’s home involving the local children’s ombudsman. One of the residents, who was the victim of the crime has been replaced from the children’s home to another facility. Specialists of medical and social rehabilitation center are working on her at the moment. One of residents of the children’s home has been detained on suspicions of the crime. He was charged with the crime under paragraph “a” of part 3 of article 131 of the RF Penal Code and placed in custody. In addition the investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in Orenburg Region have launched a criminal investigation into a rape of a resident of the same children’s home while on holiday in the town of Sol-Iletsk as containing signs of crimes under paragraph “a” of part 3 of article 131 of the RF Penal Code and paragraph “a” of part 3 of article 133 (rape and compulsion to perform sexual actions committed against underage). On the initiative of the Perm Territory investigating bodies the case has been passed to them under the jurisdiction as the victims, witnesses and the accused live in Perm Territory. The victim in this criminal case has also been relocated to other children’s facility. The criminal cases will be filed into a single lawsuit.

During the investigation it has been found that the director of the children’s home knew about the especially serious crime, but did not reported it to the police. In this connection the investigating bodies in Perm Territory have launched a criminal investigation against her into the crime under article 316 of the RF Penal Code (not promised in advance concealment of especially serious crimes). During this probe the investigators are going to give legal classification to actions (omission) of all the staff of the children’s home, who knew about the crime and were involved in its concealment. A request to dismiss the director of the children’s home has been forwarded to the Ministry of Social Development. The investigators are taking measures for psychological and social rehabilitation of the victims involving staff psychologists of the investigations directorate, the staff of the Office of Children’s Ombudsman in Perm Territory, the center for psychological, medical and social support and custodial agencies.