
Staff of Kemerovo Region Investigations Directorate laid flowers at eternal flame

Today, in celebration of the Victory Day, the staff of the Kemerovo Region Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation headed by Sergei Kalinkin held a minute of silence to commemorated victims of the Great Patriotic War.

During the ceremony of laying flowers at the eternal flame, young cadets of the cadet class of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the front rows with the investigators. Joining the ranks of cadets, these young men took the oath, and today, this event is not just a tribute to the memory for them. This is a contact with courage, honor and heroism of that generation. The boys already have shoulder straps on their uniform coats although without asterisks yet. But looking at the military bearing of children, veterans noted that they are the future defenders of the motherland. Investigators of the Investigations Directorate laid red carnations - a symbol of heroes - at the monument erected in honor of Kuzbass soldiers killed during the war. The Directorate Chief expressed deepest gratitude to veterans for their heroic deeds in the name of Victory, for the opportunity to live in peace.