
In Crimea, together with inmates of rehabilitation center for orphaned children, Investigative Committee staff took part in solemn event dedicated to Victory Day

On the eve of the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the staff of the Crimean Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation congratulated Great Patriotic War veterans on Victory Day and visited the health and rehabilitation center for orphans and children left without parental care in Yevpatoriya, Republic of Crimea, where they took part in the festivities.

The Acting Head of the Investigations Directorate of M. Nazarov made a solemn speech to veterans and rehabilitation center inmates. He said: "In these days, together with the whole country, we celebrate the greatest holiday - the Day of Victory over fascism. Today we pay honor and glorify war and labor veterans, those laid their lives on the altar of Victory and the restoration of peace in the years of the war and the difficult postwar period. We bow our heads in memory of the heroes who died on the battlefields for the honor and independence of our country, for the bright future for generations to come. In the difficult years, our people did not reel backward in the face of mortal danger, but managed to survive and win. We learn this resistance and hardness from you, dear veterans".

At a solemn meeting, rehabilitation center inmates gave a gala concert, during which they congratulated veterans with impeccable reading of poems and singing war-period songs.

In honor of the Victory Day, employees of the Investigations Directorate presented flowers and gifts to veterans, wished them good health and good spirits, and assured that the Republic of Crimea and the Crimean people are completely protected by the law of the Russian Federation.