
Karachay-Cherkessia’s Former Minister of Education and Science found guilty of accepting bribes

The court found evidence collected by the North Caucasus Federal District Main Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation sufficient to convict the former Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia Boris Spiridonov. He was found guilty of committing two crimes under Paragraph "c" Part 5 of Article 290 of the RF Criminal Code (accepting of a bribe in the form of money by official personally or through the intermediary, for illegal actions in favor of the briber committed by a person occupying a public office of the Russian Federation on a large scale).

Investigators and the court found that two examinees asked to Spiridonov to assist them in obtaining Unified State Examination certificates from the Regional State Educational Institution "Center for Information Technologies". Spiridonov promised young people the documents about passing four exams with the index of 70 points for each one without their actual participation in the testing. The Minister demanded 280 thousand rubles from each of the two young men. In the evening of July 7, 2013, Spiridonov was arrested during the acceptance of two bribes in the total amount of 560 thousand rubles in his car in Cherkessk.

The court sentenced Spiridonov to 8-year imprisonment in the maximum security penal colony and a fine of 17 million rubles.