
In Trans-Baikal Territory criminal case launched against deputy of regional legislative assembly and his son suspected of robbery

The Trans-Baikal Territory investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have launched a criminal case against deputy of the regional legislative assembly Valery Kotelnikov, who is also a businessman engaged in gold production, and his son Aleksey Kotelnikov. They are suspected of a crime under part 2 of article 162 of the RF Penal Code (robbery committed by a group of people in a preliminary conspiracy and using a weapon).

According to investigators, in the period between 10 PM 18 may 2014 and midnight of 19 May 2014, at the bank of the Shilka river, near the village of Ust-Karska in Sretensk District, drunken Valery Kotelnikov together with his 26-year-old son threatened to four local men. Showing them a carbine the suspects demanded from one of the men to give them his car Ural and Yamaha outboard motor. To back up their threats, the suspects hit one of the men several times on his head, and shot 2 shots in the air and 4 shots at the Ural car. Then they got hold of the car and the motor and fled the scene. Their wrongdoings caused the victims damage of about 1 million rubles.

At present investigating and search operations are underway to find out all the circumstances of the crime. The suspects have been held and custodial restraint is under discussion. The investigation is ongoing.