
In Tyumen Region sentence passed upon two residents of Kurgan Region found guilty of killing five men and robbery

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee for the Tyumen Region sufficient to convict two former criminals from the Kurgan Region born in 1956 and 1988. Depending on the role of each one they were found guilty of crimes under paragraph “c” of part 4 of article 164 of the RF Penal Code (robbery), paragraphs “a”, “g” and “h” of part 2 of article 105 (murder of two or more people committed by a group of people in a preliminary conspiracy aggravated by a robbery), part 1 of article 112 (intentional infliction of medium bodily harm), part 2 of article 325 (stealing of official documents).

The court and investigators found that on 2 November 2013, in Uvat District, Tyumen Region, 250 km from the federal motorway Tyumen – Khanty-Masiysk, the workers of a brigade cutting down the bushes under power lines had a row, during which the two accused killed their five colleagues. The victims were killed by a hunting gun, axe and knife. Sixth of them survived.

The motive for the murder was offenses made by the victims in the address of the wife of one of the accused, and the intention of the accused to get hold of the money meant to pay wages to the brigade and other valuables of the victims. Having stolen the victims’ belongings, the accused fled the scene in a car stolen from one of the victims to the Kurgan Region, where they later were apprehended.

On their way the accomplices concealed the traces and murder weapons. They took the gun apart and threw it in the Irtysh river 70 km off the murder scene. Later, using special forensic equipment, the Tyumen Region investigators retrieved parts of the gun from the said place in the river.

The court sentenced the 25-year-old man to a life in prison and the second man to 12 years to be served in a special-security penal colony.