
Former chief engineer of Khakassia motorways department suspected of abusing office

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee for the Republic of Khakassia have launched a criminal investigation against a former chief engineer of the Motorways Department of the Republic of Khakassia. She is suspected of a crime under part 3 of article 285 of the RF Penal Code (abuse of authority entailing grave consequences).

According to investigators, in 2011, the said state facility and OOO Krasnoyarsk road Building Company concluded a state contract on reconstruction of the motorway Sayanogorsk – Mainsk HPP – Cheryomushki and artificial structures on it paid by funds of the federal and republican budgets. The total price of the contract was over 876 million rubles.

The design estimates provided for gravel and sand mixture, worth 87.07 rubles for a cubic meter, to be used for reconstruction of the motorway. However, during the execution, the contractor submitted to the client for signature acceptance certificates, stating the price of the mixture at 314.7 rubles for a cubic meter.

The accused, knowing about inflated prices, signed those certificates and notices on the price of the work and expenses, filed by the contractor. Based on those documents the Motorways Department of the Republic of Khakassia transferred to the contractor over 28 million rubles as a payment for the work.

As a result of actions of the suspect budget of the Russian Federation and Khakassia suffered a loss of over 28 million rubles.

By now the building of the Motorways Department has been searched, from where project and financial documentation, as well as other documents vital for the investigation, have been confiscated.

At present necessary investigating operations are underway to find out all the circumstances of the crime and consolidate the evidence. The investigation is ongoing.