
Officials of Lomonosov District administration in Leningrad Region found guilty of number of malfeasances

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the Northwestern Federal District Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to convict 56-year-old head of administration of Lomonosov District of the Leningrad Region Yevgeniy Ustinov and 49-year-old head of the village of Koporsky in Lomonosov District in the Leningrad Region yevgeny Chernyayev. Depending on the role of each, they were charged with crimes under parts 1 and 2 of article 286 of the RF Penal Code (exceeding office), article 289 (illegal engagement in business activity) and article 290 (bribery).

The court and investigators found that Ustinov and Chernyayev, exceeding their offices and despite the prohibition by law, set up companies in the district affiliated to them for business activity and to gain profit. Among the founders of the companies they stated their friends and relatives. The actual leadership of the firms was entrusted to people experienced in running businesses. Threatening to stop their business activity they demanded from the businessmen to give them allowance each month.

Chernyayev got from one of the businessmen a bribe of 8 million 250 thousand rubles, while Ustinov from the same businessman received 200 thousand rubles for general patronage of and problem-free business activity.

The court has sentenced Ustinov and Chernyayev to 2 years in prison each. Ustinov was also sentenced to pay a fine of 16 million rubles.