
In Primorye Territory CEO of Pacific Bridge Construction Company put in custody following investigators’ request

Primorye Territory Investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continue investigating a criminal case against CEO of ZAO Pacific Bridge Construction Company Igor Nesterenko. He is suspected of crimes under part 2 of article 145.1 (failure to pay wages), part 4 of article 159 of the RF Penal Code (fraud).

Following a request of investigators a court has put Nesterenko in custody pending trial.

According to investigators, since December 2014, CEO of Pacific Bridge Construction Company Nesterenko (the company is a contractor of Vostochny cosmodrome construction) failed to pay wages to 1,121 workers out of personal motives. The suspect had a chance to pay the wages, but still ordered to transfer the money to other needs of the company. At the moment when the investigation was launched the debt stood at over 35 million rubles. As of now the debt has been partially paid.

In addition based on the records provided by Primorye Territory Office of the Federal Security Service, the investigators opened a criminal investigation in stealing of 55 million rubles from the company by Nesterenko together with other individuals.

At present a number of investigative operations are underway to find out all the circumstances of the crime. The investigators have searched the offices of the company, the residences of the CEO and other individuals, where they confiscated electronic data carriers and documents relevant for the investigation. Measures are also being taken to request information on the property of the suspect in order to arrest it. The investigation is ongoing.