Address of the reception office of the Investigative Committee: Moscow, ul. Pervaya Frunzenskaya, d 3a
Address for writtent applications: 105005, Moscow, Tekhnichesky Pereulok, 2
The Altai Territory investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigation against four residents of the town of Barnaul, charged with several crimes under part 4 of article 159 of the RF Penal Code (fraud committed by a group of people in conspiracy, on a grand scale and entailing deprivation of right of a citizen on housing).
According to investigators, no later than March 2014, one of the accused, who had information on socially not-protected citizens, learned that a single 90-year-old veteran of the Great Patriotic War lived in a single-room flat and was its sole owner. Out of mercenary motives, the man decided to get the ownership of the flat by deceit and abuse of trust without her knowledge or consent. For the fraud he involved the director of a real estate agency, who had had lengthy experience of providing services in real estate market, and a nominal buyer from among his acquaintances. The accused prepared and submitted to a registration body documents for state registration of transition of the ownership right with no owner of the housing. As a result of a fictitious sale contract and further procedure of transition of the ownership, the war veteran suffered damage of over 1 million 600 thousand rubles, she was also deprived of her right on the housing. Only in early March 2015, the elderly woman learned from representatives of the facility managing company that her flat had been sold to a third party.
During the probe, the investigators found that the accused had been involved in another similar crime involving a fraud with the share in a flat of a deceased woman from the town of Barnaul without knowledge and consent of her relatives. Another of the acquaintances of the accused had been involved as a nominal buyer.
Following a request of investigators, the flat of the war veteran and the share of the flat of the deceased resident of Barunaul was arrested prohibiting them to be subject to any kind of registration.
The investigators have done a lot of meticulous work to gather and consolidate the evidence: they have carried out more than 10 searches, including in the offices and residences of the accused and in the registration office, during which they confiscated registration, right-establishing documents and computers. Laborious forensic tests (handwriting, evaluation, computer, technical) were run. The case is over 20 volume thick.
The investigators have enough evidence so the cases with the approved indictment have been sent to court to be tried on the merits.