
Probe launched in Moscow Region in negligence of social service’s staff after young mother beat her baby

The Moscow Region Directorate of the Investigative Committee is investigating malicious injuring of a minor under Part 2, item "b" of Article 111 of the RF Criminal Code.

As became known earlier, on 25 November 2017, a 2-month baby with a range of injuries was delivered at Naro-Fominsk District Hospital No 1. Investigators have established that the baby’s parents beat the baby boy, who is now in intensive care unit. The suspects have been detained and are now expecting a restraint.

The investigators have also found that along with the injured baby, the underage mother has another child aged 19 months. Since the girl gave birth to that baby when she was as young as 15, the Moscow Region Directorate of the Investigative Committee has opened an investigation a crime under part 1 of Article 134 of the RF Criminal Code. The child is now living with the grandmother. A request on settling the child has been filed with the guardianship office.

The Moscow Region Office of the Investigative Committee has also opened an investigation in negligence of the staff of the juvenile office, the Naro-Fominsk municipal district administration and juvenile commission of this administration under part 1 of Article 293 of the RF Criminal Code. The investigators believe that the officials of the administration were negligent in working with the family raising the child in an environment posing threat to his life and health. Their negligence led to the crime committed by the parents against their 2-month-old baby.

This is yet another example when negligence of officials who didn’t think it necessary to take care of an underage led to such terrible consequences. The girl against whom the crime had been committed, became a mother and committed crime against her own baby.

At present, investigative operations are underway to identify a person who had committed a sex crime against the teenage girl and to register the evidence. The investigation continues.