
Congratulatory address by Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin on Russia Day

Today, we remember the valiant and centuries-long history of our Motherland, marked with achievements in science, culture, art, education, and other fields, with unique natural and spiritual wealth, and, of course, with the great victories of our ancestors.

Russia has always been famous for its traditions, moral values and spiritual foundations, which have only grown stronger from century to century, uniting its multinational people. Today, these values form the basis of the all-Russian civic identity and the unified cultural space of the country, serving as a solid foundation for our society. Traditional values contribute to strengthening the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, ensuring the unity of the country, and the development of human potential.

The people of our country, regardless of their worldview, nationality, or religious beliefs, are united in their desire to see Russia prosperous and powerful. We must collectively resist any manifestations that harm the state and society. Today, our compatriots continue to fight for truth, defending the interests of our country and protecting peaceful residents from the criminal actions of the Kyiv regime during the special military operation. Every day, the heroism of Russian soldiers writes new pages of history, of which we can already be proud.

By continuing to strengthen traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, we will be able to preserve a powerful and independent country for future generations. In this direction, the Investigative Committee of Russia carries out systematic work with the younger generation studying at our departmental educational institutions, by creating conditions to foster a sense of patriotism and pride in their Motherland.

Dear compatriots! Congratulations on Russia Day! May love for the Motherland, professionalism, responsibility, and dedication help you confidently work towards your goals and reach success, inspiring new accomplishments and victories for the benefit of our Russia!