
In Kemerovo Region leader and members of nongovernmental organization Preobrazheniye Rossii to appear in court for a number of crimes

Kemerovo Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have completed criminal proceedings against President of All-Russian Charity Nongovernmental Organization Preobrazheniye Rossii Andrei Charushnikov, 41, as well as 3 members of the organization aged 39, 34 and 30. Depending of role of each one they are charged with crimes under part 4 of article 111 (intentional infliction of a grave injury involving the death of the victim by negligence), parts 1, 2 of article 239 (creation of a religious or public association whose activity is fraught with violence, participation in such an association), paragraphs “a, b, g, h” of part 2 of article 126 (abduction by a group of persons with the use of weapons out of mercenary motives), paragraph “d” of part 2 of article 161 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code (robbery).

According to investigators, in April 2001 Charushnikov registered All-Russian Charity Nongovernmental Organization Preobrazheniye Rossii. It operated in Kemerovo Region in 2001-2011. In spite of its chartered areas of activity, the organization positioned itself as the one saving people from narcotic and alcoholic addiction and helping people in trouble. In reality the leaders were practicing violence against their wards, who violated internal organization rules and as intimidation. Specialists evaluate the organization as of pro-sect nature with criminal elements. Its members were in fact unqualified labor force: watchmen, loaders and others for which the leaders received money. Some of the members tried to leave the organization and make money on their own. They were abducted and forced back in. In February 2004 Charushniko suspected one of his workers in a theft, beat the man with the spade handle and making sure that he was dead, ordered his subordinates to take the body away and bury it at one of the cemeteries on the Kemerovo district.

Investigators have collected sufficient evidence, the criminal case with approved indictment is, therefore, forwarded to the court to be tried on the merits.