
Investigators find dead body of 3-year-old girl kidnapped from kindergarten

The girl’s dead body wrapped in a blanket has been found today during search operations in an abandoned sunk cellar hid in a shrubbery behind metallic garages near 5th Armia street in Lenin district in the city of Tomsk. Investigators and criminologists are examining the scene. They have fixed a number of analyses including a forensic medical one to find cause of death.

It was reported earlier, that on 14 August 2014, at 6 PM, an unidentified man took the girl away in an unknown direction from the kindergarten. The Tomsk Region investigating bodies launched criminal cases over a crime under paragraph “e” of part 2 of article 126 of the RF Penal Code (kidnapping) and part 1 of article 293 (negligence).

At present the investigations of local Investigative Committee and criminologists of the Central Office are carrying out all necessary investigative operations to identify the person responsible for the cruel murder and to find his whereabouts.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                     V.I. Markin