
In Chelyabinsk Region investigation opened against director of Ural office of Rosgranstroy suspected of bribetaking

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee for the Chelyabinsk Region have opened a criminal case against director of Ural office of state-owned Rosgranstroy suspected of a crime under part 6 of article 290 of the RF Penal Code (taking a bribe on a very large scale).

According to investigators, the director of Rosgrandstroy’s Ural office demanded a bribe of 1 million 100 thousand rubles from a director of a company for approving acceptance certificates and transfer of payment under a state contract on delivery and assembly of equipment on one of international automobile checkpoints on the Russian-Kazakhstan border. The suspect was held by officers of the regional office of the Federal Security Service while receiving a bribe.

Charges and restraint will be called soon. The investigation is ongoing.