
In Khabarovsk Territory former director of children’s home to stand trial for driving inmate to suicide and improper raising of minors

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee for the Khabarovsk Territory have finished investigating a criminal case former director of children’s home No 23 located in the village of Pereyaslavka. The 56-year-old woman is charged with crimes under article 110 of the RF Penal Code (driving a person to suicide), article 156 (improper discharge of duty related to raising minors).

According to investigators, between January and May 2013, the accused used psychological and physical violence against a 16-year-old inmate. For the tiniest fault she offended the girl with rude offensive language and sometimes hit her on head. The woman did that in presence of other inmates and the staff. Eventually, on 20 May 2014, the girl could not stand negative pressure any longer. She ran away from the facility and came to a single-family house, where a relative of hers lived. The man was not at home. The girl wrote a note, went up to the attic and killed herself.

It should be noted that the victim was institutionalized in 2009, after her mother was denied custody. Before that she had been raised in a large family. She had studied well, led active artistic life, taken part in sports events and won prizes. For her achievements the senior officials of the facility were planning to send her to a territorial contest in summer 2013, where best inmates of orphanages are awarded.

But despite it, the director regularly humiliated the girl. During the investigation the accused did not plead guilty. She claimed that she had not committed any wrongdoings. The investigators did a lot of work to gather the evidence. They questioned over 70 employees of the facility and inmates, with the assistance of psychologists and social workers of the territorial center for psychological, medical and social support. A lot of expert examinations showed direct cause-effect relation between the director’s actions and the girl’s suicide. The investigation was conducted with the operational support by the officials of the Khabarovsk Territory Main Office of the Ministry of the Interior.

The investigators have gathered enough evidence, so the case with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tried on the merits.