
In Irkutsk sentence passed over convicts who incited riot in penal colony

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by Irkutsk Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to convict 8 prisoners of penal colony No 4 of Irkutsk Region Main Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service. They were found guilty of crimes under part 3 of article 321 of the RF Penal Code (disorganization of the operation of facilities isolating convicts from the society), part 2 of article 167 (damage to property).

The court and investigators have found that in spring 2012, the convicts serving their terms in the penal colony did not want to follow and meet requirements set out by the law to the convicts and decided to disorganize the operation of the colony using violence dangerous for lives and health of other convicts, who were willing to change and cooperating with the facility’s administration. On 15 April 2012, the men organized in a group, armed with metal bars torn from beds, wooden bars and self-made knives hit two convicts multiple times on their heads and torsos. In addition they caused the facility damage of over 700 thousand rubles. A CCTV video of mass riots in prison was confiscated during the investigation. Over 300 witnesses were questioned and a number of forensic tests run. There are 20 volumes in the criminal case.

The court has sentenced the accused to 4 years to be served in a maximum-security penal colony. One of the men was sentenced in absentia because he had escaped from prison.