
In Karachay-Cherkessia, suspect of killing judge detained

The Karachay-Cherkessia Office of theInvestigative Committee has opened an investigation in a crime under Article 295 of the RF Penal Code (attempt on the life of a judge).

According to investigators, federal judge of a district court Ruslan Botashev was driving his Toyota in the Settlement of Pervomaiskoye, Malokarachayevsky District and stopped near Nadezhda shop at about 10 AM. He did some shopping and then returned to his car. A surveillance camera shows that a minute and a half later a man ran up to the car, shot the judge into the head from a 7.62mm Tigr hunting rifle through the closed right passenger window and fled. 40 seconds later the same man returned to the car and fired another shot at the judge and again took off.

During the examination of the crime scene the investigators seized five 7.62mm cartridge cases, footage from surveillance cameras and a lot of other physical evidence.

4 hours after the crime, operative services identified and detained local resident Pilyal Dzhatdoyev, 53. During a questioning Dzhatdoyev said that he killed the judge because Botashev had earlier made a decision on a civil action against the suspect. The investigators are now preparing a request to the Cherkessk City Court to take Dzhatdoyev in custody pending trial.

By now the investigators have assigned a lot of forensic inquiries and are carrying out urgent investigative operations. The investigation is ongoing.