
Resident of Novosibirsk Region charged with rape and murder of school girl to stand trial

The Novosibirsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee has finished criminal proceedings against a 25-year-old resident of the settlement of Krivodanovka, Novosibirsk District, Novosibirsk Region, charged with rape and sexual abuse of a minor under 14 years of age and murder of that minor under part 4, item “b’ of Article 131, Part 4, item “b” of Article 132 and Part 2, items “c’ and “j” of Article 105 of the RF Penal Code.

According to investigators, on the evening of 13 September 2016, a 12 year-old girl was on her way home back from school on a country road where she was spotted by the 25-year-old man. The intoxicated man followed the girl planning to assail her in a deserted place. At some point he dragged the child into bushes and sexually abused her. Fearing that the crime would be disclosed and he would be punished he strangled the victim and hid the body in the bushes.

As a result of well-planned investigative and search operations, the investigators and police officers identified and held the suspect on hot scent. During the day they were looking for him, the investigators used latest forensic equipment: UAVs, surveillance camera trackers, expert light sources, digital data software, which helped to find the traces of the crime and other evidence against the accused. Irrefutable proofs of the man’s guilt were gotten thanks to professional actions of the investigators and criminalists of the regional investigative authority use of forensic equipment and modern forensic inquiries.

The investigators also established the conditions that had promoted the crime. It turned out that not long before the crime, the accused had picked some wild hemp some 30 meters away from the Vlasikha river in the settlement of Krivodanovka and had taken it as a drug. The accused had been previously convicted of drug usage on multiple occasions and had been released in March 2016. From December 2008 to September 2009, he was registered at Novosibirsk Region Addiction Clinic. Neighbors of the accused said that he had been using marijuana growing in Krivodanovka since he was 14, and that he had picked and used it openly which was known to a wide range of people.

The investigators came to a conclusion that the head of Krivodanovka administration, officials of the Novosibirsk Region Administration and the head of the district police precinct and his subordinates had been negligent about it. Therefore, the investigators filed requests with the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region and the head of the Novosibirsk Region Police Department asking to take all possible steps to eliminate those conditions that had made the crime possible, to prevent breaches of the law revealed during the probe and to discipline the responsible ones.

As for the accused, he was taken in custody during the preliminary investigation. Though he admitted his guilt, the main problem the investigators faced was assessing his mental health. An evaluation showed that the accused was sane and was fully capable of appreciating his actions which along with other evidence allowed the investigators to qualify his actions as deliberate ones.

The investigators have enough evidence so the criminal case with the signed indictment has been referred to court.