
Chairman of Investigative Committee awards people’s artist of USSR Yuri Grigorovich

Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin has awarded People’s Artist of the USSR Yuri Grigorovich with the medal “For Pure Intentions and Noble Deeds”.

Mr. Bastrykin described Mr. Grigorovich as an impressive and talented man, deservingly considered one of the greatest choreographers of our time: “A true master, creator, you work a lot and to great effect implementing brave and innovative ideas. Your shows, including ballets Spartacus, Nutcracker, Romeo and Juliet, Legend of Love opened a new page in the history of world choreography and became a standard of high-level art.”

Speaking about achievements of the great artist, Mr. Bastrykin pointed out: “Your name has gone down to the golden age of the Bolshoy Theater and its triumph. The Theater became a birthplace for the unique Grigorovich’s style and on its stage people saw your legendary classical shows for the first time. Today you still do a lot for the traditions of the Russian ballet, share your unique experience and talent, while your students perform on the stages of world’s leading theaters.”

On behalf of himself and the Investigative Committee’s staff, the Chairman congratulated Mr. Grigorovich on his 90th birthday celebrated on 2 January and wished him high spirits, sound health, happiness and inspiration!


Acting Head of Media Relations                                                                                                        S.L. Petrenko