
In Moscow Region businessman put on trial on charges of fraud with buying 15 land pieces

The Moscow Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigating a criminal case against a businessman. He is charged with a crime under part 4 of article 159 of the RF Criminal Code (fraud by a group of people in conspiracy on an especially massive scale).

According to investigators in January 2009 the accused conspired with an acquaintance of his to buy by deceit 15 pieces of land owned by the municipality. The total area of lands was 35,800 square meters located in the village of Yurasovo, Voskresensk district, Moscow Region, the lands were categorized under “lands of settlements”, type of permitted use – “for individual farming”. The lands were leased from the administration of Voskresensk district of the Moscow Region by men of straw from the close circle of the accused and his accomplices.

For the crime they decided to use warrants from the men of straw, who had leased the land, enabling them to conclude deals and do other legal procedures regarding the lands and the buildings allegedly constructed there. Using the warrants they went to Voskresensk office of the Moscow Region Department of the Federal State Registration Service and submitted application on state registration of ownership right to utility constructions and buildings allegedly built on the lands, though in fact none had been built. As a result the ownership right was registered based on the submitted knowingly false information and by deceiving state registering clerks. Later this allowed the accused to illegally buy out 15 pieces of land from the administration of Voskresensk district at underrated price causing by that Beloozyorsk township and Voskresensk municipal district of the Moscow Region a total loss of 58 million 392 thousand rubles as difference in the cost and the price of buying out.

The criminal case against the accused has been severed in a separate law suit due to a cooperation agreement. The case with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tried on the merits.