
In Crimea officials of Investigative Committee congratulate teachers and inmates of sanatorium and rehabilitation center for orphans on International Children’s Day

Officials of the Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee for the Republic of Crimea have congratulated the teachers and inmates of sanatorium and rehabilitation center for orphans and children left without parental care in the city of Yevpatoria on the International Children’s Day and have taken part in celebrations.

At present there are 240 inmates aged between 7 and 16, who have come for treatment in Crimea from different parts of Russia.

The inmates of the center prepared the program “Your Chance”. During two hours the children recited poems, sand and danced charming the spectators with sincerity and artistic skills, causing tears well up in their guests’ eyes enjoying and priding of the young generation.

After the concert the investigators gave all the children presents bought on their own money.