
In Yaroslavl Region criminal investigation against former director of Uglich children’s home charged with exceeding official powers and misappropriation completed

Yaroslavl Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigating a criminal case against director of Uglich children’s home Natalina Tikhontseva. She is charged with crimes under part 3 of article 160 of the RF Criminal Code (misappropriation) and part 1 of article 286 (exceeding official powers).

According to investigators, between 2008 and 2012, Tikhontseva personally and through the chief accountant of the children’s home illegally demanded from her subordinates to give her the money which had been transferred to their accounts as salaries and bonuses. In all, the staff of the children’s home gave her no less than 600 thousand rubles. Tikhontseva spent the money on her own needs.

In 2006 the accused was cited for administrative violations by State Labour Inspectorate in Yaroslavl Region. She paid a fine of 500 rubles from the funds of the children’s home.

At present the files of the case are submitted to the victims, the accused and her lawyers to study. After they complete studying the files the case will be sent for the approvial of indictment and further to the court to be tried on the merits.