
In Kemerovo Region on eve of international children’s day officials of Investigations Directorate met with cadets and inmates of children’s home

On the eve of the Children’s Day officials of the Kemerovo Region Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee met with inmates of a children’s home and cadets of a cadet class of the Russia’s Investigative Committee. The teenagers have studied in the class for only a year, but have already become a real family. The whole year officials of the Investigations Directorate have talked to the cadets, visited them, and of course could not leave them unattended on the eve of summer holidays.

As the students of the cadet class are educated in the spirit of patriotism, readiness to protect their homeland, they feel like adults, so the meeting was an adult one. In addition to a conversation on how not to become a victim of a crime, the teenagers could get familiar with forensic equipment used by the forensic office of the Investigations Directorate, hold it and even try to apply. A criminalist of the forensic office of the Investigations Directorate told about a device for searching optic blocks Optic-2, which can be used not only to magnify objects or like binoculars, but to detect hidden cameras. The teenagers also got to know about a non-liner radar set, georadar, night viewing device, forensic portfolios. As usual the meeting was interesting and which is more important useful. By the way, the cadets are finishing the year with good results. First Deputy Head of the Investigations Directorate Pavel Mullin awarded the best cadets with letters of commendations.

Children of Salomat Children’s Home were not left without attention. The investigators come to this united team with pleasure, as they are waited here. Traditional end-of-year celebrations are held few days before summer holidays. It is remarkable, that many of the children talk about themselves, their problems and wishes with absolute trust, and the investigators always try to help them. Today there is a big family of 30 children in the children’s home, each of them will get a small present and the facility nice soft furniture as the family should be living in a cozy home! For several years the team of the Investigations Directorate have been trying to make their life a little lighter, so that they smile more often and have hope and trust in their hearts. As a token of friendship, today we together with children planted several apple trees. When saying goodbye the children had only one question – about the next meeting, which will be held in late summer.