
In Smolensk Region children from social rehab Istok go to puppet theater on initiative of officials of regional investigations directorate

On 24 May 2014, on the eve of the International Children’s Day, officials of the Smolensk Region Investigations Directorate organized a visit to the N.V. Svetilnikov Puppet Theater for the children of the Demidov Social Rehabilitation Center for Underage Istok.

For 6 years officials of the Investigations Directorate have been providing charitable and other social assistance to Smolensk specialized (remedial) school of I and II types. The investigators have been involved in the life of deaf and hearing-impaired children, providing material assistance on voluntary basis, taking part in school celebrations.

In 2013 it was decided to take under patronage another children’s facility - the Demidov Social Rehabilitation Center for Underage Istok. In December 2013, the investigators met the inmates for the first time and promised to visit as often as possible.

The investigators are sure the visit to a puppet theater is in most cases the first familiarization of small children with theater.

The children looked at the theater’s interior with awe, but of course thee had the most impressions from the show “Puss in Boots” and looked at the puppets with interest.

It was a prolonged and fascinated applause. The puppet theater gave a lot of pleasure and joy to everyone. The show broadened the children’s horizons and they will remember it for a long time.

After the show, the investigators gave the children presents, including sports gears for doing sports in summer and interesting and development board games.