
Last school bell rings for graduates of first in North Caucasus Federal District M.G. Yadrov cadet class patronized by Russia’s Investigative Committee

The last school bell rang on May 24 for the graduates of the first in the North Caucasus Federal District Lieutenant General of Justice M.G. Yadrov cadet class patronized by the Russia’s Investigative Committee.

Head of the North Caucasus Federal District Main Investigations Directorate Ilya Valeryevich Lazutov, Head of Education Office of the Stavropol city administration Yelena Petrovna Buksha, Chairman of Stavropol Territory branch of all-Russian non-governmental organization of veterans “Battle Brotherhood” Nikolai Ivanovich Borisenko, Stavropol Territory Duma deputy, head of Our Savior and Transfiguration rehabilitation center Nikolai Olegovich Novopashin came to the solemn assembly of students at school No 24 to congratulate them on this important event in the life of each cadent and the whole Stavropol Territory Investigations Directorate.

All 80 cadets drew up on the drill ground. The state flag of the Russian Federation and the flag of school were carried out. After congratulations by the guests, the graduates danced the traditional school waltz. After the assembly the celebration was continued in the school hall with a morality lesson “What does the homeland begins with?”.

Graduates of the second year successfully studied in a specialized class with in-depth study of history and social sciences, three foreign languages, basics of legal knowledge, forensic science, criminal and criminal procedure law, drilling and shooting preparing for future work in investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee.