
In Tomsk experienced criminologists of Investigative Committee’s Central Office join investigation in kidnapping of child from kindergarten

At the order of the senior officials of the Russia’s Investigative Committee experienced criminologists of the Central Office has joined the investigation over kidnapping of a girl from a kindergarten. At present they are looking for the girl and identifying the kidnapper.

Today during search operations child’s things were found in Leninsky district in the city of Tomsk. The investigators showed photos of the things to the girl’s parents, who confirmed that they things belonged to their daughter. The things will undergo DNA tests to confirm that they were owned by the girl.

As it has been reported earlier, on 14 August 2014, at 6 PM, an unidentified man took the girl away in an unknown direction from the kindergarten. The Tomsk Region investigating bodies launched a criminal case over a crime under paragraph “e” of part 2 of article 126 of the RF Penal Code (kidnapping).

In addition, the Tomsk Region investigating bodies during an investigation in the kidnapping opened a criminal case over negligence of the kindergarten staff, which is a crime under part 1 of article 293 of the RF Penal Code.

At present investigating and search operations are underway to find out all the circumstances of the crime. The investigators have confiscated documents regulating activity of the facility’s staff. About 1,000 people are now looking for the girl, including volunteers from other regions.