
Former Minister of housing and communal services, former Minister of property relations and CEO of Kamchatenergosbyt found guilty of office abuse

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by Kamchatka Territory investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to convict former Kamchatka Territory Minister of housing and communal services, former Minister of property relations found guilty of a crime part 2 of article 285 of the RF Penal Code (abuse of authority) and CEO of Kamchatenergosbyt found guilty of a crime under part 1 of article 201 (abuse of authority in a commercial organization).

The court and investigators have revealed that a contract of guarantee was illegally concluded in December 2011 under which Kamchatenergosbyt represented by its CEO undertook to bear responsibility before OAO Kamchatnefteproduckt jointly with a bankrupt company OAO Koryakteploenergo for the discharge of obligations of the bankrupt company to pay the debt. The investigators also found out that the contract was illegally approved by Kamchatka Territory Minister of housing and communal services and energy and Minister of property and land relations while being aware that it was not possible to exact the debt from Koryakteploenergo.

As a result of the crime Kamchatka Territory suffered pecuniary damage of over 18 million rubles.

The court has sentenced former ministers to a fine of 250 thousand rubles each, and CEO of Kamchatenergosbyt to a fine of 150 thousand rubles.