
In Khakassia investigations opened in negligence that led to death of people and mass destruction of houses by wildfires

The investigative bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee for Khakassia have launched 5 investigations in a crime under part 3 of article 293 of the RF Penal Code (negligence entailing death of two or more people) following a wildfire that raged through a number of districts in the republic, death of people in that fire and mass destruction of houses.

On 12 April 2015, fanned by a strong wind a wildfire spread to the settlements in Shira, Ordzhonikidze, Altai, Beya, Ust-Abakan Districts, towns of Abakan, Chernogorsk and Sayanogorsk. According to preliminary data the wildfire destroyed 1,285 buildings, most of which were residential buildings, over 450 people applied for medical aid. During putting out fires in Beya, Ordzhonikidze, Shira and Ust-Abakan Districts dead bodies of 15 people were found. The information on the dead and injured is being specified.

At present investigating teams are working on sites. They are examining the sites, identifying the dead. The investigators are going to question all the victims. The investigating operations are underway to find out all the circumstances of the crime. The investigation is ongoing.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                                                 V.I. Markin