Address of the reception office of the Investigative Committee: Moscow, ul. Pervaya Frunzenskaya, d 3a
Address for writtent applications: 105005, Moscow, Tekhnichesky Pereulok, 2
A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the North Caucasian Federal District Directorate of the Investigative Committee sufficient to convict Libya’s national Suleiman Uheida and resident of Stavropol Territory Alaudin Menlibyev. They were found guilty of crimes under Part 2 of Article 209, Article 317 of the RF Penal Code (membership in a gang and attempt on the life of military servants).
The court and investigators have revealed that on 29 February 2000, Uheida and Menlibayev acted as members of a united armed gang led by Basayev and Khattab when they assaulted military servants of the 6th company of 104th regiment of 76th Pskov division of Airborne troops in the mountainous area of Shatoi District, Chechnya. They attacked from three directions. Ukheida and Menlibayev took their positions and shot at soldiers from 5.45 mm Kalashnikov machine guns. The attack which ended on the morning of 1 March 2000 left 84 military servants dead and another four injured.
The court has sentenced Ukheida and Menlibayev to 14 and 15 years in a maximum-security correctional facility.
Earlier, another 5 assailants, including Ukrainian member of UNA-UNSO Aleksandr Malofeyev got long terms in prison.