
Alexander Bastrykin set off for emergency scene in Krasnodar territory

Chairman of the Russia’s Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin with experienced criminologists of the Central Office have set off for the Krasnoda Territory to coordinate the work of the operations center and all investigation groups establishing circumstances of people’s deaths caused by the flash floods.

At the moment there is information that 92 bodies were found in the Krymsk district including several children. The precise number of dead minors is being verified. There is also information about the death of two lorry drivers whose bodies were found in the damaged lorries. In most cases people died in the houses trying to escape the flood inside. As a result of flash floods people were washed out form the buildings and their bodies later were found outside the buildings. 9 people were killed by torrential rains and floods in Gelendzhik, in Novorossiysk – 3.

Investigation groups continue working at the scenes of incidents.