
In Komi Republic officials of Vorkutisnakay mine put on trial for safety breach killing 19

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee for the Republic of Komi have finished investigating a criminal case against former coal mining supervisor, former ventilation and safety supervisor, former chief engineer of Vorkutinskaya mine of OAO Vorkutaugol. They are charged with a crime under part 3 of article 216 of the RF Penal Code (violation of safety rules during mining works entailing by negligence grievous bodily harm and large damage, and death of two or more people by negligence).

On 11 February 2013, an explosion happened at mining sector No 8 at Vorkutinskaya mine at the depth of 800 meters, killing 19 miners and inflicting grievous bodily harm to another one. Additionally, the mine suffered a loss of over 200 million rubles.

According to investigators, the accident happened because of the explosion of methane and dust near the conveyor belt which started a fire to the coal dust. The files of the case indicate that mine openings were under the threat of explosion due to a large concentration of dry coal dust and methane emitted from the coal. The investigators believe that the accident was caused by breach of safety by the supervisor of mining works, ventilation and safety supervisor and chief engineer. The mining works supervisor violated industrial safety rules by failing to ensure timely and complete activities to prevent and contain explosions of coal dust (washing frequency stated in a schedule was not observed, coal screening and dust were not removed when accumulated), did not take any measures to eliminate the said violations or imposed any sanctions on those responsible. The ventilation and safety supervisor and chief engineer knew about the violations, however did not took no measures to eliminate them or to hold the guilty ones accountable for that. In addition, they failed to organized proper control over the level of methane resulting in serious consequences.

At present the criminal case with the approved indictment has been forwarded to court to be tried on the merits.