
Moscow police officers arrested on suspect of evidence tampering and abuse of office

The Moscow Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continues investigation against three operative officers of the crime detection department of Moscow Main office of the Russian Ministry of the interior Dmitry Alfyorov, Stanislav Maksimov and Maxim Korostelyov apprehended the day before, and an operative officer of the Main Crime Dectection Department of the Ministry of the Interior Sergey Abrosenko detained today. The police officers are suspected of crimes under part 1 of article 286 of the RF Penal Code (abuse of office), article 303 (tampering with evidence).

According to investigators, in June 2015, a businessman asked the operative officers to plant some compromising evidence against his competitor so that he had troubles with running his business due to prosecution. The officers stood on the side of the first businessman and decided to plant the evidence on his rival. They got a search warrant under investigation in robbery and stealing of URWERK-103 watch worth about 5 million rubles and got into the flat of a Moscow resident while he was not at home. They showed their police IDs and forced the administrator to open the door for them using a key duplicate. The officers put the URWERK-103 watch, which they had got in unclear circumstances, in one of the rooms. A few hours later they went back into the flat, searched it in the presence of the owner, seized the planted watch and made a protocol. Later the watch was joined to the records of the case as the evidence that the suspect was involved in the robbery and stealing.

Today, following the request of the investigators, a court has ruled to place Alfyorov, Maksimov and Abrosenko in custody pending trial. The investigation is ongoing with the investigators looking into all circumstances of the crime and identifying other people that might be involved.