
Probe launched against officials of Rostechnadzor in bribery by organized group in Ivanovo Region

The Ivanovo Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have launched 4 criminal investigations against organizers and members of an interregional criminal group consisting of officials of the Central Office of the Federal Service for Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor) over crimes under paragraph “a” of part 5 of article 290 of the RF Penal Code (bribery by an organized group), parts 2 and 4 of article 291 (giving a bribe), part 3 of article 204 (commercial bribery).

Investigators have revealed that in September 2013, acting head of the Central Office of Rostechnadzor (at the time he led activity of departments of the Ivanovo Region Central Office of Rostechnadzor) Vladimir Ivchenko organized a criminal group consisting of subordinate officials and heads of affiliated companies in order to regularly get bribes from companies and firms applying in Rostechnadzor for license to use hazardous industrial facilities.

The officials acted in agreement and refused to issue or reissue licenses to legal entities under formal pretexts. They recommended applying in controlled by them commercial organizations to make documents necessary for licensing. Representatives of the legal entities transferred money to the accounts of the said commercial organizations for the services and then got their licenses. Most of the money was illegally cashed and passed on as bribes to Ivchenko, the rest was divided between the officials. According to preliminary information the total number of people involved in the criminal scheme is over 10 people. The investigators are checking the total amount of bribes received by members of the criminal group from more than 200 legal entities from 2013 and until now.

On 11 October 2015, Nikolai Mishanin, head of the interregional department for supervision over explosive and chemically hazardous production facilities of the Central Office of Rostechnadzor was detained while taking a 155 thousand rubles worth bribe from CEO of OOO Promemergoekspertiza. During the searches in his office, the investigators confiscated about 1 million rubles of cash, objects and documents proving that the official had regularly taken bribes from legal entities. A criminal investigation was launched in a crime under paragraph “a” of part 5 of article 290 of the RF Penal Code (bribery by an organized group).

The presumed organizer of the criminal group, acting head of the Central Office of Rostechnadzor Vladimir Ivchenko was held on suspicion of a crime under paragraph “a” of part 5 of article 290 of the RF Penal Code on 14 October 2015 in Moscow. Around 7 million rubles was confiscated from him. At present the investigators are going to request arrest of the property and money confiscated from the suspect.

Investigative and search operations, as well as their documentation were carried out by the Ivanovo Region Investigations Directorate together with officers of the regional offices of the Federal Security Service and Ministry of the Interior.

At present, the investigators are carrying out operations to gather and consolidate the evidence, find out reasons and conditions that contributed to the crime. The investigation is ongoing.