
Investigative activities in attack on Novaya Gazeta reporter Igor Domnikov finished

The investigating bodies of Moscow Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigating a criminal case against Sergey Dorovsky. He was charged with a crime under part 4 of article 33, paragraph “a” of part 3 of article 111 of the RF Penal Code (solicitation of deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm to a victim due to their professional activity).

It has been revealed that in March 2000, Sergey Dorovsky serving as deputy head of Lipetsk Region administration inclined Pavel Sopot, an acquaintance of his, to attack a reporter of Novaya Gazeta Igor Domnikov in order to injure him badly. The crime was motivated by revenge for critical articles Domnikov published in the said newspaper in the period between May 1999 and February 2000 containing negative appraisal of Dorovsky’s work. Sopot agreed to commit the attack and involved in it Eduard Tagiryanov, the leader of Tagriyanovsky gang, who in his turn ordered his gangsters to attack Domnikov. On 12 May 2000, in a hall of a block of flats in Pererva street in Moscow, the perpetrators tracked down the journalist and then hit him multiple times with a hammer on the head. Later the victim died of the injuries in hospital.

It should be noted that involvement of Dorovsky in the crime was not revealed for a long period of time. Only 10 years later, when the case was passed to Moscow Main Investigations Directorate, investigators managed to trace down the whole chain from the man who had ordered the crime to those who had organized and executed the attack and recreate all the circumstances of the crime.

Operative services of penitentiary authorities in Mordovia and Orenburg Region assisted in the investigation.

At present Dorovsky and his lawyer are reading the records of the case. After that has been finished, the case will be forwarded for the indictment to be approved and later on in court to be tried on the merits.

Earlier a court sentenced Pavel Sopot, Eduard Tagiryanov and other gangsters to long prison terms up to a life confinement.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                                               V.I. Markin