
In Moscow Region damning verdict returned over furniture holding 8 Marta president murder case

The jury have recognized the evidence gathered by Moscow Region Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to return a damning verdict over the murder of the head of the group of companies Furniture Factory 8 Marta. Depending on the role of each one Alexey Pronin, Vitaly Antishin and Mikhail Ishchenko were found guilty of crimes under part 3 of article 33, paragraphs “g” and “h” of part 2 of article 105 of the RF Penal Code (organization of murder), paragraphs “g” and “h” of part 2 of article 105 (murder) and part 2 of article 222 (illegal circulation of firearms).

It has been revealed that the organizer of the businessman’s murder was his business partner Alexey Pronin. The motive was that the latter had irrationally spent the money the businessman had given to buy several buildings owned by OAO Ryazan Motion-Picture Printing Factory located in the city of Ryazan. In January 2012, the accused, afraid that businessman might take some steps regarding his irrational spending of the money and failure to fulfill guaranteed obligations in buying buildings from Ryazan Motion-Picture Printing Factory, and sure that the businessman would demand compensation, decided to have him killed. He found Antishin and Ishchenko, worked out a plane and killed the businessman.

The investigation was especially complicated due to a number of factors and by a large amount of investigative and search operations, a lot of interrogations and examinations. The investigations checked alibi of each of the accused. The accused pled not guilty and the fourth accomplice is still wanted. There were 23 volumes of criminal records.

A court will soon pass a sentence on Pronin, Antishin and Ishchenko.